US 40; Gusher East Bound Passing Lane & Center Turn Lane
Burdick Materials
Project Type
Asphalt Paving
Owner: Utah Department of Transportation
General Contractor: Burdick Materials
Start Date: 10-18-2019
Completion Date: 10-05-2020
Subcontractors or Key Contractors: BHI, B&K, Coughlin Companies,
Materials Used and Quantities:
- Granular Borrow = 79,000 Tons
- Road Base = 37,000 Tons
- HMA 26,475 TON
- SMA = 9,746 Tons
This project included widening the existing US-40 through Gusher to include a center turn lane, additional eastbound passing lane, and acceleration/deceleration lanes at the major intersections. Burdick Materials added the center turn lane to improve safety through the town of Gusher. After widenings, the entire roadway was capped with SMA.
"This project will benefit the Uintah Basin for years to come by optimizing transportation for the traveling public along with helping to grow the economy and the oil industry. "